How Does Facebook Place People You May Know

Facebook's 'People you may know' is a phrase that seems harmless, if a bit formal - 'Oh come to this party! There'll exist loads of people you may know there!' - but in the final few years it'southward become synonymous with that creepily accurate Suggested Friends carousel featuring people who yeah, you practise know but, my god, how does Facebook KNOW you know them?! Is Marking Zuckerberg really a wizard? Or more than pertinently, what is the basis for Facebook suggested friends? Is it stalking? Is it based on profile views? What exactly does it mean?

Facebook's official line on this, on their help page, explains that they make selections for your Suggested Friends based on 'mutual friends, work and education information, networks you're part of, contacts you've imported and many other factors'. It's the 'other factors' that are the most interesting, because how goddamn vague they are - specially when a suggested friend crops up, and you take no common friends in common.

Who is in my Facebook suggested friends and why?

Just having a brief scan over my ain current suggested friends, there are at to the lowest degree three people at that place that I haven't met, I've never worked with, we didn't go to the same schoolhouse, I have no mutual friends with and they're non in my contacts. One of them is someone I'grand fairly sure, after doing a quick search on other social media sites, is currently seeing my ex. So why is she being suggested?! Is this to do with the 'other factors' Facebook mentions? I don't know her! Were nosotros once in the aforementioned cafe? Has she, completely understandably, been stalking me? Have we finally institute the definitive answer to how you can tell when people accept looked at my profile?!

What is Facebook suggested friends algorithm - what is it based on?

Then many questions, and then many conspiracy theories. Thankfully, I've done the hysterical researching, so when that guy you slept with who never whatsapped dorsum and you lot can't finish thinking about pops up on your suggested friends, you don't have to.

Are your suggested friends based on your location?

In one of the best cases of 'ER, NO I DIDN'T Mean THAT, SHUT Information technology DOWN' Facebook revealed in 2016 that location data was one of the factors in suggested potential friends, before days afterward retracting it and maxim they admittedly didn't. Cool.

There were a number of slightly worrying reports of how eerily authentic the supposed algorithm is; 'Seriously, I've had enough reporters ask me, freaked out, why Facebook is recommending their protected sources' tweeted Violet Blue, a reporter on cybercrime.

If true, it also means that Facebook uses like engineering to the NSA.

During an investigation, Fusion found a load of anecdotal testify pointing towards location services being used. I example was a human who had attended an anonymous gathering for suicidal teenagers, and had and so seen 1 of the teenagers he didn't have whatsoever contact with other than being in the aforementioned place, popped up every bit a suggested friend. They approached Facebook who said: 'Location information by itself doesn't indicate that two people might be friends, that's why location is only one of the factors we employ to suggest people you may know.'

When Fusion had published an commodity, understandably, explaining how this is a privacy mess - Facebook immediately retracted information technology. The statement was inverse to the fact that location services had been trialled a yr earlier, but weren't ane of the very vague 'other factors' described on the help site.

The journalist in question described 'repertorial whiplash - I've never had a spokesperson ostend and then retract a story so quickly.'

One mode to finish whatsoever apps using your location is to alter the location settings on your telephone, or get rid of the Facebook app and use it on good ole Safari. Other browsers are available.

Are your suggested friends based on who has looked at your profile?

At that place is no hard testify that someone else'south activity affects your page - and a Facebook employee was fairly clear on their opinion in a contempo Quora thread:


Thanks for your illuminating and rich response, Peter. But I observe it difficult to believe that, when trying to create the perfect suggested friends list, Zuckerberg wouldn't have wanted algorithm kicking into gear when you search for someone, or if someone searches for you lot. Because that's the purest mode it can tell if you want to exist friends, surely? Plus, there are just too many anecdotes to ignore.

'I recently viewed someone who I haven't been in touch with for many years and who I didn't want to be in touch with,' says one anonymous user on Quora. '2 weeks later I had a friend request from that person. I have no mutual friends and this person is far removed in my network of friends. Unless this person suddenly remembered me after most twenty years since I take contacted them, and so I have no other explanation.'

In a recent Vice investigation into how this suggested friend listing happens, David Liben-Nowell, a information science professor at Carleton College who studies the construction and evolution of social networks said:

'My hunch is that [Facebook is] using names y'all've searched for or profiles y'all've viewed to suggest friends to you. It would almost be silly for them not to: if you've shown an interest in a person while using Facebook, then yous've as good every bit told Facebook that you might desire to take some kind of relationship with them.'

Agreed - it does brand a whole lot of sense, if they're trying to make the friends they advise every bit accurate as possible. And there'southward also some fairly compelling evidence pointing to the fact that the friend grid works off the ground of who is looking at your profile, then why not suggested friends? I mean, that makes even more sense, if you think near it.

Are your suggested friends based on your phone contacts?

This one is a definite yeah. In one of the many app updates, y'all will accept inadvertently synced all your phone contacts to Messenger. And if you've allowed Facebook to sync your telephone contacts, and so information technology'south going to suggest you lot connect to them online. It can be freaky, though, if y'all don't realise you've put people in your contacts considering y'all're drunk, and so they go suggested back at yous.

'Somehow my suggested friends list is always chicks I have had one dark stands with,' says a Reddit user who says words like 'chicks'. 'Facebook somehow looks through my contacts on my phone and uses their phone numbers to suggest it. It's kinda creepy when y'all see a girl who you met i time and didn't fifty-fifty know her last name, but somehow they are suggested for you lot.'

An easy style of getting rid of this via the Facebook app on your telephone - go to settings, and scroll down until you see 'Sync Contacts'. Hit 'remove Facebook'. Done. Removed.

And cheque out the box that comes up as you're about to remove the contacts:

facebook people you may know

'If you choose to remove your imported contacts, friend suggestions for you and your friends may get less relevant'. Yeah MATE. THAT'S SORT OF WHAT I Desire COS Yous'RE CREEPING ME THE F OUT.

Are Facebook friends suggestions based on other third party apps like Tinder?

The official line on this is no. In fact, it couldn't be whatsoever more a 'no' if they tried, as they land on site: 'We do not use cookies from 3rd-party sites to generate or rank People You May Know'. Well there y'all are then.

However, if you're getting a bit freaked out by the fact that Tinder matches/people you've Bumbled take suddenly started cropping upwardly, and then yous're non alone - it's been a flake of a recent thing. And if you don't have their number in your phone, then how the hell do they know this if they AREN'T getting information technology through Tinder?

Well, information technology's likely that your Tinder match will have besides tried to stalk you on Facebook, although remember Facebook merits they don't suggest friends who search your name.

But the other, less speculative, solution is that you have their number on your Whatsapp contacts. Because Whatsapp bought Facebook, and so if y'all've been 'sapping, and yous haven't united nations-synced your Facebook contacts (as above), so do that immediately.

Exhausting, isn't it?

Can you turn off or remove Facebook suggested friends?

Yeah - indirectly. If y'all cake someone, then they won't show up on your suggested friends list. So if you take any especially triggering people from your past, so information technology might be worth taking a deep breath, having a dram of whisky (or, like, a glass of juice) and doing the deed.

Oh, and y'all know how y'all tin specify people who you lot don't want to come upwards in that horrific On This Day characteristic? They won't come up in your suggested friends either - which might exist a good idea if you don't want to all-out block someone, you lot just don't want them popping up all the time.

You're welcome.

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